May 5, 2020
At Home Wod “Reverse Kalsu” For time: 100 burpees*EMOM 5 one or two arm thrusters Workout Notes Programming second for Crossfit Davis, hailing from Menlo Park, California, he loves power cleans and muscle-ups, catch him on the golf course hitting his drives anywhere but the fairway, and if anyone knows how to improve mobility without […]
May 4, 2020
At Home Wod 5 Rounds: 3 minutes on/1 minute off 4 alternating power cleans7 hand release push-ups10 lunge steps Workout Notes Each workout this week is brought to you by a different coach! (Read in Bruce Buffer’s voice): First up, standing at five feet, nine inches tall, she loves rope climbs and wall balls, I […]
May 3, 2020
Sunday super zoom 10 rounds for time 30 double unders10 one arm devil press Workout notes Today’s Sunday super zoom brings us a classic combo of burpees, weightlifting and double unders. This workout is a task priority couplet of one arm devil presses and double unders. The devil press consists of a burpee + a […]
May 2, 2020
Saturday super zoom with a clock set for 21 minutes 7 rounds of 30 seconds at each station wall sitjumping squatsrestplank holdalternating v-upsrest workout notes Today’s workout consists of four different movements and 30 seconds of work at each of those stations. Transitions will be fast and the goal is to keep the intensity high […]
May 1, 2020
At Home WOD For time: 2 mile bike1 mile run2 mile bike Workout Notes Break out the WD-40 and lube up those bike chains because today’s workout is a bike ride…and a run…and another bike ride. Start with the two-mile bike ride. Map out your course and push the pace from the start. Follow that […]
April 30, 2020
At Home Wod AMRAP 20 minutes Push Ups *Every odd minute: 12 sit-ups*Every even minute: 12 walking lunge steps Workout Notes You asked for it, and we delivered: twenty minutes of push ups (kind of)! We couldn’t go too many days without blowing up your chest and triceps. Each minute you will start with either […]
April 29, 2020
At Home Wod For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3thrusters3-6-9-12-15-18-21hang cleans Workout Notes What a beautiful looking workout: a stunning rep scheme, ascending and descending rep counts, push and pull movements…the list goes on and on! Don’t be blinded by her beauty though because she has a cold heart and will leave you in a puddle of sweat wondering […]
April 28, 2020
At Home Workout 5 rounds for time: 200m farmer carry50 double-unders20 bench dips OR ring dips Workout Notes Talk about a forearm pump! Start each round with a two-hundred meter farmer carry. Ideally you will have a piece of equipment in each hand. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the same weight in each hand, […]
April 27, 2020
At Home Workout AMRAP 25 minutes 200m run15 snatches10 burpee box-jumps Workout Description We have a longer triplet today. Start each round with a two-hundred meter run. Next, move on to fifteen snatches. If you are using a dumbbell, touch both ends of that dumbbell to the floor and alternate sides every rep. If you […]
April 26, 2020
Sunday Super Zoom For time: 100 sumo deadlift high pulls OR 100 pull-ups (strict or kipping)100 push-ups100 plank drags OR shoulder taps100 goblet squats OR air squats Workout Notes Get ready for a solid Sunday pump! We have a chipper style workout today with one-hundred reps of each movement. Start with a pull: use your […]