April 24, 2020
Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5352529152 AT HOME WORKOUT Every 6 minutes for 4 rounds 16-12-8cleansburpees WORKOUT NOTES Think of today’s workout as four separate workouts for time. Keep the intensity high and treat each round like a sprint. Ideally you will have around ninety seconds of rest each round. If you find yourself working for the full six […]
April 23, 2020
Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5352529152?status=success At Home Workout “Triple 3” For time:3k row (or 6K bike)300 double-unders3 mile run Workout Notes Take a trip down memory lane to the 2014 Crossfit Games. Rich Froning may have walked most of the last three miles, but CFD members will show no such weakness. In all seriousness, this will be […]
April 22, 2020
Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5352529152?status=success At Home Workout AMRAP 20 Minutes 5 thrusters10 lunge steps15 situps Workout Notes We have potentially a high volume workout today. Plan on getting through many rounds of today’s AMRAP. Start the workout with five thrusters, move on to ten alternating lunge steps (with or without your weight), and finish with fifteen […]
April 21, 2020
At Home WOD For time: 400m run50 snatches400m run35 snatches400m run20 snatches400m run Workout Notes Running and snatches today! The volume on the snatches is high. If you are using a dumbbell or a kettlebell, you should be fine to stick with that rep scheme. However, if you are using a barbell, consider trimming the […]
April 20, 2020
At Home Wod AMRAP 20 Minutes 30 push-ups40 mountain-climbers50 squats Workout Notes We have a bodyweight workout triplet today. The goal of today’s workout should be constant movement for twenty minutes. Start with thirty push-ups from your toes, knees, or elevate your hands onto a box/stair. Consider breaking the push-ups early on to limit rest. […]
April 19, 2020
SUNDAY SUPER ZOOM Every 3 minutes for 7 rounds 15 box jumps 12 one arm alternating devil press WORKOUT NOTES Today’s workout is seven rounds of a task priority sprint. In each round your rest will be determined by how fast you can get through all twenty seven reps. There is no prescribed rest in […]
April 18, 2020
SATURDAY SUPER ZOOM 5 Rounds with one minute on each stationhollow holdpush-upsjumping alternating lunge steps plank dragssit-upsrest Workout notes Today’s workout is a long duration interval workout with five stations. Everything we’re doing today is bodyweight so no equipment is necessary to participate in this workout. Each round starts with what is probably the hardest […]
April 17, 2020
At Home Wod AMRAP 20 minutes 200m farmer carry40 goblet squats60 sumo deadlift high pulls40 goblet squats Workout Description Today’s workout is a triplet. Each round will start with a 200 meter farmer carry. Use two pieces of equipment if you have it. If not, try to give yourself equal work on each side. Once […]
April 16, 2020
At Home Wod 7 Rounds – 3 minutes on/1 minute off 400m runmax rep burpees Workout Notes We have a straightforward, interval-style workout today! In each three minute round you will start with a 400m run and follow it up with as many burpees as possible. You will then follow each round with one minute […]
April 15, 2020
At Home WOD AMRAP 15 Minutes 2-4-6-8-10-12-14…Alternating PistolsCleans Workout Notes For today’s workout we will climb our workout ladder as far as we can in fifteen minutes. Be sure to pace the first few rounds, as the workout becomes more difficult with each subsequent round. Start with two alternating pistols (one on each side) followed […]