April 4, 2020
SATURDAY SUPER ZOOM Join us at 9AM today in the zoom room! https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5352529152 AMRAP in 20 Minutes 50 sit-ups 35 swings (dumbbell or kettlebell) 20 overhead walking lunge steps Workout notes The swings in today’s workout can be performed with a kettlebell or dumbbell. We’re review dumbbell swings in the zoom class as it’s probably […]
April 3, 2020
AT HOME WOD 10×3 minutes for time 30 mountain climbers 20 jumping squats 10 alternating one arm devil press Workout notes We have thirty minutes on the clock for today’s workout. The task at hand is ten sprints where you will record the time of each attempt. Ideally you finish each round with some time […]
April 2, 2020
AT HOME WOD for time 2 mile bike 1 mile run 100 Burpees 1 mile run 2 mile bike Workout notes Not much to say about this one! You’ll need a bike and a one and two mile route mapped out in your neighborhood. For most of us we’re looking at a 30+ minute workout […]
April 1, 2020
ZOOM AT 12 With the lunch bunch! Click the link here or load the meeting ID 5352529152 into the app! AT HOME WOD AMRAP in 28 Minutes 8 Bulgarian split squats left leg 8 Bulgarian split squats right leg 200M Run 8 Overhead press right arm 8 Overhead press left arm 200M Run Workout notes Today’s workout is […]
March 31, 2020
AT HOME WOD for time 33-27-21-15-9 thrusters snatches Workout notes Today we have a difficult couplet with two of our favorite movements. If you are one of the lucky ones with a barbell load up a very light weight. Most of us will be using a kettelbell or dumbbell. If your object is light enough […]
March 30, 2020
View this post on Instagram We’re excited to be adding new classes to our Zoom schedule this week and to give you a chance to see all of your favorite CFD coaches! We’ve got something for everyone! . . ???? EARLY BIRDS Monday at 9am with Coach @alexeaguiar! . . ???? LUNCH BUNCH […]
March 29, 2020
SUPER ZOOM SUNDAY WOD Join us at 9AM in our Zoom room! We’ve had 40+ participants in every class so far. Let’s keep up the momentum and hold on to our fitness during the shutdown. If you haven’t been able to participate you are missing out! Click the link here or load the meeting ID 5352529152 into the […]
March 28, 2020
JOIN US IN THE ZOOM ROOM! Click the link here or load the meeting ID 5352529152 into the app! Class will start at 9 but we’ll open up the room around 8:45AM. We’ll also be running a kids class at noon and another class Sunday at 9AM. AT HOME WOD AMRAP in 20 Minutes 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 […]
March 28, 2020
Super zoom today at 9AM! We’ll use the same meeting room today as we did last week. The link will be posted here at 8:30AM. We hope to see you all there! If you can’t find the link or get into the meeting room text or email your coach!
March 27, 2020
AT HOME WOD 5 Rounds for time 400M Run 30 Push-ups 20 Cleans Workout notes You’ll need to map out 400M track in your neighborhood for this task priority triplet. Use a dumbbell or a barbell if you have one. If you are without equipment scale the cleans to a jumping movement. If you are […]