June 21, 2019
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Power snatch Perform three power snatches every minute for a total of 10 rounds. You can choose to link your reps together or perform three singles, but make sure you’re able to get all 3 reps done within each minute. The weight you choose should be in the moderate effort […]
June 20, 2019
SKILL EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Slow pull squat clean Today’s skill work has us working on positional awareness in the first pull of the squat clean. Start by lifting the bar from the floor as you keep your hips low and your back upright. Practice pulling the bar off of the floor under control […]
June 19, 2019
SKILL Two rounds of Tabata alternating between movements Arch Hold Hollow Hold The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for a total of 4 minutes. Today we’re performing two rounds of tabata so our skill work will be eight minutes long. Alternating movements every round will give you […]
June 18, 2019
Skill Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 Work up to a heavy single deadlift today. This doesn’t necessarily mean you go up to max effort, but work up in weight as you feel comfortable. Judge your effort by the strain it takes you to achieve each lift. New lifters should keep the load light and work on proper body […]
June 17, 2019
SKILL 2RM Strict weighted pull-up Work up to a strong effort two rep max weighted pull-up. Perform sets 0f 2 or more strict pull-ups without weight rather than kipping if you are not quite ready for weighted pull-ups. If you do not have strict pull-ups yet perform 5-10 sets for max reps of supine ring […]
June 16, 2019
WOD 6 rounds of: 1 minute of rowing 1 minute of double-unders 1 minute of push-ups 1 minute rest Workout notes: Your score for this workout is your number of reps for each movement so attack each round with intensity. If you are scaling the double unders to single unders make a few double under attempts […]
June 15, 2019
WOD In teams of 2 or 3 AMRAP in 30 Minutes 40 Burpees 30 Sandbag bear hug squats 100/70 lb 400M Run as a team Workout notes Partner up or find a team for today’s workout! We’ll tackle this long duration workout in teams of two or three. Each round starts with forty burpees then […]
June 14, 2019
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk We have a lifting complex on the menu today. You will ten opportunities to work on three difficult overhead barbell movements. The complexity will increase as you fatigue from rep one to three so technique will be paramount. In the push […]
June 13, 2019
Skill 5 attempts at a Handstand hold w/ 10 shoulder taps Our skill menu for today has us working upside down and progressing towards handstand walking. If you are comfortable hanging out upside down start by trying to transfer your weight from one shoulder to the other mimicking the type of loading you will encounter […]
June 12, 2019
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 2 Hang Power Cleans Work up to a moderate weight Hang Power Clean and perform 2 repetitions every minute for 10 minutes. Choose a weight that allows you to do all two reps in a row. For a power clean we’re looking for a little bit lighter weight than you would use in a […]