October 14, 2018
WOD AMRAP in 20 Minutes 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65 lb 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups Workout notes Today’s workout is a time priority triplet with two bodyweight movements and a difficult foundational movement from CrossFit. Do your best to generate vertical hip drive during the high pulls. A high level of efficiency in the […]
October 13, 2018
WOD 5 rounds of 3 Minutes on 2 minutes off 20 Box Jumps 24/20 ” Max reps squat clean thrusters 135/95 lb Workout notes Today we have an interval style workout of five, three minute rounds. Each three minute period starts with a buy in of twenty box jumps. With your remaining time complete as […]
October 12, 2018
[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid”][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-exclamation-sign” color=”Extra-Color-1″] CFD LADIES NIGHT TONIGHT! Our first ever CrossFit Davis Ladies Night is tonight at 6:30pm! There will be no regular 6:30pm class today. We are looking forward to getting all the wonderful strong women of […]
October 11, 2018
Skill Back squat 7-7-7 Today we’re performing 3 sets of 7 Squats working up to a heavy set. This rep range may be unfamiliar territory so spend some time thinking about how you would perform a large set of heavy squats. The best strategy is to take a moment to take a few slow and deep breaths at […]
October 10, 2018
View this post on Instagram THIS FRIDAY we’re getting all the CFD ladies together for a workout! Show up at 6:30 ready for some fun and fitness with drinks and appetizers to follow! Our regular 6:30 pm class will be canceled. Hope to see all you wonderful, strong women there!! #crossfitdavis #girlsnight #crossfit […]
October 9, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 TnG Clean & Jerks We’re working on weightlifting in today’s skill work. You will have ten opportunities to practice “Touch and Go” Clean & Jerks. That means you’ll be hanging onto the bar for all three reps. Your weight on the bar for this work should be on the […]
October 8, 2018
Skill Tabata Hollow Rocks There are many ways to scale the hollow rock. Try to hold the position for each interval and scale by pulling in your arms, one or both legs. Use the method that best lets you hold the position for the full 20 seconds. WOD 6 rounds for reps 1 Minute of […]
October 7, 2018
WOD 6 Rounds for time 5 Clean & Jerks 225/155 lb 400M Run Workout notes Today’s workout is a six round couplet with a moderately heavily barbell movement and a short run. Use a load that is somewhere in the 60-70% range of your 1RM but a bit higher than what you might use in […]
October 6, 2018
WOD AMRAP in 30 Minutes 100 Double Unders 200M Uneven Farmer Carry 10 Front Squat 185/135 lb Workout notes Today we have a long duration triplet with three difficult movements. If a high rep round of double unders is difficult for you scale the volume down to an amount of reps you could complete in […]
October 5, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Power Snatch Perform three power snatches every minute for a total of 10 rounds. You can choose to link your reps together or perform three singles, but make sure you’re able to get all 3 reps done within each minute. The weight you choose should be in the moderate effort […]