August 13, 2018
Skill EMOM 10 Minutes :30s of Strict Pull-Ups In this skill work we have 10 rounds of work today. This setup should feel very different than when we alternate with another movement during odd and even minutes. Now we are adding extra opportunity for work rather than performing another movement. Each round does not have to be […]
August 12, 2018
WOD 5 Rounds for time 5 Squat Clean Thruster 185/135 lb 75 Double under 400M Run Workout notes Today’s workout features the difficult squat clean thruster. The benchmark load is on the heavy side so the weight you use can be challenging but shouldn’t get anywhere near a max effort thruster. In the squat clean […]
August 11, 2018
WOD Tabata Deadlift 225/155 lb 1 Minute Rest Tabata Ring Dips 1 Minute Rest Tabata Deadlift 225/155 lb 1 Minute Rest Tabata Ring Dips Workout notes The tabata interval is 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for 8 rounds. Today we are going be working with two movements that we will repeat for a […]
August 10, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Our skill work today is a barbell complex with three movements. In every round you’ll complete a power clean a front squat and a jerk. The power clean starts by pulling the bar from the floor and catching in a partial squat. […]
August 9, 2018
Skill Sumo Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2 Work up to a heavy double in the Sumo style deadlift. If you are used to traditional deadlifts spend a good portion of time familiarizing yourself with the mechanics of the lift. The basics of setup are to start by lining up your shins parallel to the bar with your feet in […]
August 8, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Hang squat snatch from below the knees + 1 Hang squat snatch from above the knees Today’s skill work is positional snatch work. That means we’ll focus primarily on technique with a light to moderate load. If you tackle this correctly you should never miss because the load is […]
August 7, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [odd] 5-10 Kipping Swings or pull-ups [even] Straight set of push-ups Today’s skill practice might seem simple but these are the building blocks for increasing your work capacity in many of CrossFit’s basic gymnastic movements. The key is generating efficient core to extremity power transfer during the kipping swing. Alternate […]
August 6, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 30 seconds of strict handstand push-ups Today we’re working on handstand push-ups in their strict form. Strict hspu require more strength than kipping so scale if you need to but keep the stimulus intact. Use a box and perform push-ups in a pike position if you are still building the strength. If you are just learning […]
August 5, 2017
WOD Every 3 Minutes for 7 rounds for time 4 Power clean 135/95 lb 7 Push jerk 135/95 lb 100M Sprint Workout notes Our workout today has a different formatting than what we normally see for a metcon with a barbell. You will essentially be performing seven sprints. Starting at 0:00 perform 4 cleans, 7 […]
August 4, 2017
WOD for time 1000M run 75 wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′ 50 burpees 75 wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′ 1000M run Workout notes Today’s workout is a pyramid style chipper with two bodyweight movements. We’ll start and finish with a run down to Cantrill and back. When you get back to the gym […]