June 20, 2018
Skill 1 Round of tabata alternating between Hollow hold Arch hold The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for a total of 4 minutes. Today we’re performing exactly one round of tabata so our skill work will be four minutes long. Alternating movements every round will give you […]
June 19, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes Hang squat clean + Squat clean (no TnG) Today’s skill work is a barbell complex that starts with the more difficult of the two movements. Deadlift the bar to full extension then lower the bar to above your knees and clean the bar to the shoulders passing through a full […]
June 18, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [odd] Kipping Toe-To-Bar [even] 40 seconds of double unders Our skill work is a great opportunity to refine two common movements. You’ll have a total of 5 opportunities each to work on the kipping swing/toe-to-bar and double unders. If you are new to the kipping swing start by alternating between […]
June 17, 2018
WOD for time 50 Burpees 75 Medicine ball cleans 20/14 lb 1000M Run Workout notes Today’s workout is in the format of a chipper. You’ll have one set of each movement and your score will be the total time it takes to complete all three tasks. Start out on the burpees at a pace you […]
June 16, 2018
WOD AMRAP in 30 Minutes 30 Weighted step ups with empty barbell 45/35 lb 24/20″ 200 M Run 100M Uneven farmer carry Workout notes Today’s workout is a long one! You’ll have thirty minutes to complete as many rounds and reps as possible of two carrying movements and a short run. The step ups and […]
June 15, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 2 Squat snatches For today’s skill work we are working on snatch doubles. Do your best to drop into as deep of a squat as possible for each repetition. Mobility might be the limiting factor with how deep your squat is. Test your limits but remember to go only as […]
June 14, 2018
Skill 3 Rounds of 1 Minute V-Ups 1 Minute Arch Hold 1 Minute Plank Hold 1 Minute Rest We’re serving a tasty dish of mixed core work today. You’ll have three attempts at each movement. There is one minute allocated for work at each station and we’ll start with the most difficult movement and progress […]
June 13, 2018
SKILL Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2 Work up to a strong effort set of 2 deadlifts. This doesn’t necessarily mean you go up to max effort, but work up in weight as you feel comfortable. Judge your effort by the strain it takes you to achieve each lift. New lifters should keep the load light and work on proper […]
June 12, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [odd] Max set of kipping pull-ups or straight set kipping swings [even] 30 seconds of alternating pistols or one leg step ups We have two difficult skills on the menu today. You will have five opportunities to practice kipping swings/pull-ups and one legged squats. If you already have the kipping […]
June 11, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes Hang power clean + power clean (no TnG) Today’s skill work is a barbell complex that starts with the more difficult of the two movements. Deadlift the bar to full extension then lower the bar to above your knees and clean the bar to the shoulders. Follow that with a […]