April 30, 2018
Skill Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2 Today we’re working up to a strong effort two rep front squat. If you were able to participate on 4/26 you know we did a two rep front squat on that day as well. Take that information and apply it to today’s workout. End with a strong double that is close […]
April 29, 2018
WOD for time * 100 Double Unders 400M Uneven farmer carry 100 Double Unders 1 Mile run 100 Double Unders *25 Minute cap Workout notes Today’s workout is a chipper with two longer duration movements sandwiched in with some double unders. If you are new to double unders scale to an number of repetitions you […]
April 28, 2018
WOD AMRAP in 20 Minutes 3-5-7-9-11-13 … * Power Snatch 135/95 lb *200M run after every round Workout notes Today’s workout is a semi-repeat! We saw this format on September 24, 2016. In that version squat snatches were the prescribed movement and today we’re suggesting power snatches. The power snatch has a shorter range of […]
April 27, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes power clean + hang power clean + jerk Our skill work today is a two position clean followed by a jerk. First power clean the bar from the floor then reset your hook grip and lower the bar to the hang just above the knees. From there power clean the […]
April 26, 2018
Skill Front squat 2-2-2-2-2 Today we’re working up to a strong effort two rep front squat. With the front squat we want to focus on keeping the elbows up and chest as upright as possible. As with any kind of squatting you’ll want to practice keeping your knees out and tracking over your feet. Remember […]
April 25, 2018
Skill Tabata knee to elbows Today we are working on a different skill that will feel similar to toes to bar. The mechanics will be very much the same, but rather than sending your toes to the bar you will want to bend your knees and elbows as your body moves behind the bar so […]
April 24, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 minutes 15 seconds TnG power snatch 45 seconds rest Our skill work today is another bout of intensity training! Today we’re focusing on barbell cycling. The goal for each round will be to spend all of the fifteen seconds cycling snatches. Advanced athletes could target a load in the 65% range […]
April 23, 2018
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [odd] 30 second handstand hold [even] 30 second arch hold Today’s skill work involves two gymnastic positions. On every odd minute hold a handstand for as much of thirty seconds as you are capable. Ideally we’ll hold the handstand facing the wall in a tight hollow body position. If you […]
April 22, 2018
WOD for time 50 Pull-ups 1000M Run 50 Kettlebell snatch 24/16 kg 1000M Run 150 Double Unders 1000M Run Workout notes Today’s workout features three difficult movements coupled with a run down to Cantrill after every round. Your score will be the total time it takes to complete the entire chipper. The total volume of […]
April 21, 2018
WOD 7 Rounds for time 21 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 lb 10/9′ 4 Power Cleans 205/145 lb Workout notes Today’s workout is a longer duration couplet with a high volume of reps disguised by the rep scheme. At first glance the total rep count might seem pretty low but in the end you will have […]