November 26, 2016
WOD For Time 21-15-9 of your choice of one from both A and B A) Deadlift 225/155lbs Clean 135/95lbs Thruster 95/65lbs and B) Handstand Push-Up Ring Dip Pull-Ups WOD This benchmark day is a repeat from October 18, 2015 but you don’t have to repeat the same thing you did last time if you don’t want to! […]
November 25, 2016
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]Reminder that we are closed today! Back to normal hours tomorrow![/creativ_alertbox]
November 24, 2016
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Reminder! Only one class today at 8:30AM, We are closed Friday and will return to regular hours Saturday! [/creativ_alertbox] The interns are pretty serious about the new sweatshirts. If you reserved a sweatshirt they will be set aside and ready for you tomorrow! If you didn’t already order one, we did get […]
November 23, 2016
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Reminder! We will be holding one class tomorrow on Thanksgiving day! Come in early at 8:30AM to get your WOD in before you feast! [/creativ_alertbox] Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Power Snatch Use this opportunity to work on your power snatch technique and/or barbell cycling. We’re not looking for a 3 RM […]
November 22, 2016
A photo posted by CrossFit Davis (@crossfitdavis) on Nov 21, 2016 at 9:39am PST Skill EMOM for 10 minutes [odd] Straight set of kipping chest to bar pull-ups [even] :30s of alternating pistols We have two difficult movements in today’s skill work. If you are new to kipping pull-ups start by practicing kipping swings and work […]
November 21, 2016
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]PLEASE NOTE OUR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY HOURS: We will be holding a workout on Thanksgiving at 8:30AM only. We will be closed Friday and and returning to normal hours on Saturday.[/creativ_alertbox] Skill Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1 Work up to a strong effort power clean. The lift should start just as you would with a squat […]
November 20, 2016
WOD “Tabata Something Else“ Tabata Pull-Ups Tabata Push-Ups Tabata Sit-ups Tabata Squats Workout notes: This workout comes to us from CrossFit.com! The tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds work and 10 seconds of rest. You will complete 8 rounds at each station for a total of 32 intervals. There is NO additional rest period between movements. […]
Competition 11-21-16
Monday 11/21/2016 Skill Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1 Metcon In front of a clock set for 12 minutes 1 minute of Double Unders 1 minute of Kettlebell Swings 32/24 kg 2 minutes of Double Unders 2 minutes of Kettlebell Swings 32/24 kg 3 minutes of Double Unders 3 minutes of Kettlebell Swings 32/24 kg Strength Back Squat […]
November 19, 2016
WOD for time 50 Burpee 35 Deadlift 155/105 20 Thruster 155/105 lb 35 Deadlift 155/105 lb 50 Burpee Workout notes: Today’s workout is a pyramid style chipper! Your warm up is a large set of burpees followed by deadlifts that are benchmarked on the lighter side. The middle of the pyramid is a larger set of […]
November 18, 2016
Skill Overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5 Spend some time today working on the very difficult overhead squat. The overhead squat requires a very good mobility and strength. Practice keeping your torso angle upright while your arms are externally rotated. Your armpits should be pointing out rather than down. Keep the load light today on work on keeping a […]