June 21, 2015
WOD For time 1K Row 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95lbs Workout notes: We’re combining a “warm up” row with the classic CrossFit workout “Grace”. Find a pace on the rower that works for you and stay consistent throughout the 1000M. It’s better to start slower and speed up towards then end rather than come out fast and […]
Protected: Competition 06-22-2015
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June 20, 2015
WOD 3 Rounds for Time 800M Run 50 Sit-Ups 25 Two-Arm Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift 45/30lbs Workout notes: This workout falls into the longer duration category so if the volume and total reps are new to you don’t forget that you can scale the volume as well as the movements! Try completing one or two rounds rather […]
June 19, 2015
Strength EMOM for 10 Minutes 2 Squat Clean For the skill work today we’ll be working up to a moderate weight 2 rep squat clean. You’ll perform two repetitions every minute. Remember to keep your hips down as you pull from the floor and practice fast elbows while you catch the clean in the bottom of your […]
June 18, 2015
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]We’re so sad to tell you that tomorrow will be Coach Sophie’s last day at CrossFit Davis! She will be moving on to her next adventure at USUHS Medical School on the East Coast and we are so proud of her! Sophie will be coaching the 9:30am, 12:00 and 4:45 classes tomorrow […]
June 17, 2015
Skill E2MOM for 10 Minutes 3 Power Clean Work up to a moderate weight Power Clean and perform 3 repetitions every 2 minutes for 10 minutes. Ideally you choose a weight that allows you to do all three reps in a row with very little rest. For a power clean we’re looking for a little bit lighter […]
June 16, 2015
Strength EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Push Jerk Work up to a light effort triple in the push jerk and perform that lift every minute for 10 minutes. That’s 10 sets of 3 consecutive reps so the lift shouldn’t be too heavy but a bit more than you would use in a metcon. For this lift you will dip […]
June 15, 2015
Strength Weighted Pull-Ups 3-3-3-3-3 Perform 5 sets of 3 Pull-Ups and increase the weight across each set if possible. Perform the pull-ups strict and without weight rather than kipping if you are not quite ready for weighted pull-ups. If you do not have strict pull-ups yet perform 5 sets for max reps of supine ring rows. WOD 3 […]
June 14, 2015
WOD 4 Cycles of the following, completing each cycle for time. Row 500M Run 400M 75 Double Unders Workout notes: Today’s workout is a chipper that you will complete a total of four times. We’ll start on the rower in waves working through each movement as fast as possible. After you have completed the double unders rest 1-3 […]
Protected: Competition 06-15-2015
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.