March 30, 2015
Strength Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 Today we’re performing 5 sets of 5 with increasing weight across all sets. Start light with an an empty bar and make sure you are performing all of your reps to your full range of motion. We do this not only to warm each joint through it’s entire range but to reinforce […]
March 29, 2015
WOD 10 Rounds for time 3 Deadlifts ~ 80%* 6 Strict Ring Dips * Rest long enough to complete each set unbroken. Workout notes: This workout should feel very different from your normal metcon type of workout. Record this workout for time but also the weight you use. Work up to a deadlift weight that […]
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March 28, 2015
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”light-gray” custom_colour=””] Today is our Last Open WOD BBQ and everyone is invited! Heats for 15.5 will kick off at 11:30 as usual with BBQ/Party to follow! Meat and Drinks will be provided! Please bring a dish/drinks/treats to share if you would like or just bring yourself! [/creativ_alertbox] WOD 5 Rounds of 1 […]
March 27, 2015
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”light-gray” custom_colour=””]Saturday is our Last Open WOD BBQ and everyone is invited! Even if you didn’t participate in the open we would love to have there to cheer and celebrate with us. Heats for 15.5 will start at 11:30 as usual with BBQ/Party to follow! Meat and Drinks will be provided! Please bring a […]
March 26, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [odd] :30 Toes-To-Bar or Knee Tucks [even] :30 Handstand Hold Use this time to work on improving your Toes-To-Bar by learning or refining your kip. If you are new to the movement first work on bringing your knees to your chest and then extending the knee and pointing your […]
March 25, 2015
Strength Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1 Work up to a strong effort front squat. Start light and increase the weight for each set. You don’t necessarily need to max out but work up to heavy weight without breaking form. The focus here should be keeping your torso upright and tracking your knees over your feet. Your elbows should […]
March 24, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [odd] :30 Seconds of Strict Pull-Ups or Supine Ring Rows [even] :30 Seconds of Hollow Rocks You’ll have 5 rounds at each station to work for a total of 30 seconds. It’s probably not a good idea to go for a max set of pull-ups to start so plan on working for the full 30 […]
March 23, 2015
Skill Hang Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 Work up to a strong effort Hang Squat Snatch. Warm up by working through a hang power snatch and and overhead squat complex with an empty barbell or PVC. Start by attempting to slowly ride the bar down into the overhead squat and pick up speed as you warm up. If your […]
March 22, 2015
WOD For time 75 Calorie Row 50 Thrusters 75/55lbs 25 Burpees Over The Bar Workout Notes: This workout is a chipper! We’ll start in waves and work through each movement in order. Knock out your row at a sustainable pace but leave some room in the tank for the more taxing thrusters. You’ll most likely need […]