October 24, 2014
Skill 1-1-1-1-1 Power Clean & Push Jerk Working from the floor, work up to a moderately heavy Power Clean and Push Jerk. Remember to catch the bar in a partial squat from the floor and then again as you receive the bar overhead. Work on driving straight up without letting your chest cave and then […]
October 23, 2014
Skill With a 10 Minute time cap climb the double under ladder as high as you can. 5-10-15-20-25-30 … of Unbroken Double Unders. Start with a set of 5 and add 5 every round. Stop and rest between rounds as needed The highest round you complete is your score. If you fail a round start […]
October 22, 2014
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Power Snatch Work up to a light weight Snatch and perform 3 repetitions every minute for 10 minutes. Ideally you choose a weight that allows you to do all three reps in a row. Be sure to drop under the bar and land in a partial squat for every rep. […]
October 21, 2014
Skill Tabata Hollow Rock Rest 1 Minute Tabata Handstand Hold There are many ways to scale the hollow rock. Try to hold the position for each interval and scale by pulling in your arms, one or both legs. If you are still working on handstands try working only during the 10 second period and resting […]
October 20, 2014
Strength Back Squat 8-5-3-3-2-2-2-2 Work up to a heavy double in the back squat. The suggested rep scheme is a recommendation for working up to your target weight. Perform a lot of reps at a light weight after your general warm up and increase in small increments. Work up to a moderately heavy weight and judge your […]
October 19, 2014
WOD For time Row 1500M then 21-15-9 Squat Clean 135/95lbs Toes-To-Bar Workout notes: Starting with the row will increase the difficulty of the following movements so pace yourself and be sure not to go to failure. Row at a fairly steady and sustainable rate that doesn’t put you into severe muscle fatigue. You’ll probably find grip on the toes-to-bar […]
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October 18, 2014
WOD 15-12-9-6-3 Power Snatch 135/95lbs Chest To Bar Pull-Up Workout Notes: Spend some time working on the snatch beforehand. Even though this is a power snatch make sure that you are not yanking the bar off of the ground but controlling the bar up on the first pull and dropping under it while punching up. This […]
October 17, 2014
Skill 3 Rounds not for time 1-5 Skin The Cats Spend a few minutes working on “Skin the Cats”. To fully perform the movement will require a lot of shoulder strength and flexibility. Perform a manageable number of reps going as deep as you can into your range of motion. Skin the cats can be […]
October 16, 2014
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Turkish Getups Alternating Arms each round Spend time familiarizing yourself with the Turkish Getup. Focus on keeping your elbow straight and look up through the object for the entire rep. Kettlebells work great for this movement but you can also use a dumbbell. Perform 3 in a row each minute, […]