February 24, 2013
Skill E2MOM 12 minutes 5 Power Snatch Work up to a manageable weight and perform 5 Snatches every other minute. Do touch and go snatches if you like but make sure every rep is performed for quality. Make sure you drop into a partial squat before you stand up for every rep. WOD AMRAP […]
February 23, 2014
WOD 800 M Run 10 Thrusters 75/55lbs 20 CTB Pull-Ups 400M Run 20 Thrusters 75/55lbs 15 CTB Pull-Ups 200M Run 30 Thrusters 75/55lbs 10 CTB Pull-Ups Off Ramp WOD 800 M Run 10 Thrusters 45/35lbs 20 Bodyweight Ring Rows 400M Run 20 Thrusters 45/35lbs 15 Bodyweight Ring Rows 200M Run 30 Thrusters 45/35lbs 10 Bodyweight Ring Rows
February 22, 2014
WOD For time 15-12-9-6-3 Burpee Box Jump 24/20″ Clean and Jerk 155/105lbs
February 21, 2014
Strength Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Work up to a strong effort Push Press increasing through each set. Remember this is a strength exercise! It’s totally natural to turn this movement into a Jerk by re-bending the knees so most of us will have to make a conscious effort to push will the legs and then […]
February 20, 2014
Strength Max Effort Power Snatch Spend some time working up to a 1RM Power Snatch for the day. Work on dropping lower as the bar gets heavier! If you are new to lifting take the movement up to a moderately heavy load in small increments, attempting a few reps at each weight. Focus on performing […]
February 19, 2014
Strength 8×3 Weighted Pull-Ups Perform 8 sets of 3 weighted pull-ups. Keep the load the same for all 8 sets. If you are working on the bands use a band that has you working near maximal effort in the 1-3 rep range. If you have any bodyweight pull-ups at all ditch the band and get […]
February 18, 2014
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Today we have weightlifting at 5:30PM! Regular WOD classes are at 4:45PM and 6:30PM. Come at 5:30PM if you want to work on your Snatch and/or your Clean & Jerk![/creativ_alertbox] Strength E2MOM for 10 Minutes Sustainable Set of Handstand Push-Ups followed by a set of Double Unders. Work on a set of […]
February 17, 2014
Strength E2MOM for 14 Minutes 3 x Power Clean and Jerk Work up to a moderately heavy load and then perform 3 Clean and Jerks every 2 minutes for 14 minutes. Experienced lifters should target a weight in the 60-70% range. If you are new to weightlifting start working with a light weight and […]
February 16, 2014
WOD 5 Rounds For Time 6 Snatches 135/95lbs 15 Box Jumps 24/20″ Off Ramp WOD Scale this workout by choosing a weight you can move quickly but safely and with good technique. You should be catching the bar in the top of your squat even if you are doing power snatches. For box jumps use […]
February 15, 2014
WOD 5 rounds of AMRAP in 3 minutes 3 Power Cleans 115/75lbs 3 Front Squats 115/75lbs 3 Push Press 115/75lbs Rest 1 minute between rounds Your score is your total number of reps after all 5 rounds. Off Ramp WOD You should be able to do one round unbroken easily when rested with the weight […]