February 14, 2014
Skill E2MOM 14 Minutes 3 Squat Snatch Work up to a moderately heavy weight and then perform 3 lifts every 2 minutes. Target around 60-70% of your 1RM but use a manageable weight that lets you perform good reps with a full depth squat for every rep. If you are not sure start […]
February 13, 2014
Strength Deadlift 8-5-5-3-3-2-2-2 Work up to a heavy double for the day or 2RM if you get there. Start light and add weight only if you are able to achieve perfect form at each weight increase. Keep your back locked throughout the movement. WOD “Helen” Three rounds for time 400M Run 21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg […]
February 12, 2014
Skill 3 x through each rest as needed 1 Minute Handstand Hold 1 Minute Plank Hold 15 Second L-Sit WOD 3 Rounds of 1 Minute on each station. Your score is your total reps completed. Overhead Walking lunge steps 40/30lbs Box Jump 24/20″ Push-Ups Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 40/30lbs Row For Calories REST Off Ramp WOD […]
February 11, 2014
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Remember the 5:30PM class is dedicated Olympic Weightlifting! WOD classes are at 4:45PM and 6:30PM![/creativ_alertbox] Strength Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Increase load during each set and work up to a heavy weight. If you are having difficulty with the movement work on the mechanics with PVC and unloaded barbell. Make sure your shoulders […]
February 10, 2014
Strength EMOM FOR 10 Minutes Max Set of Strict Pull-Ups Max Set of Strict Push-Ups If you are on the bands use a band that gets you into the 3-5 range for a max set and go all out each round! Do the strictest push up you are able to do. WOD For time 20 […]
February 9, 2014
WOD Row 2K Then 10 Rounds 15 Sit-Ups 15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg Off Ramp WOD Scale this workout by the weight of your kettlebell and total volume during the second part. Row 2K Then 5 Rounds 15 Sit-Ups 15 Kettlebell Swings
February 8, 2014
WOD AMRAP in 20 Minutes 5 CTB Pull-Ups 10 Burpee 15 Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbs 10/9′ Off Ramp WOD 3-5 Rounds For Time 5 Pull-Ups 10 Burpee 15 Wall Ball Shots 20 Minute Time Cap
February 7, 2014
Skill AMRAP in 10 Minutes 5-10-15-20-25-30 … of Unbroken Double Unders. Start with a set of 5 and add 5 every round. The rope must stop moving between rounds. The highest round you complete is your score. If you are new to double unders start with 1 and increase by 1 every round. 1-2-3 … […]
February 6, 2014
Skill 3 x Through Each Max Effort Support Hold on the rings. 15 Second Hollow Rocks 15 Second Superman Hold If you are new to the rings use a partner to apply some outside pressure so your arms stay in close and the rings don’t flail out. WOD 5 Rounds for Time 9 Deadlift […]
February 5, 2014
Strength Back Squat 3×5 ~ 70-75% Work up to around 70-75% of your max and perform 3 sets of 5 at that weight. Attempt to increase by a few pounds from that last time you did this. If you are new to this movement work up in sets of 5 to a moderately challenging weight. […]