July 14, 2023
SkillAMRAP in 8 minutes:3 strict toes to bar5 kipping toes to bar15 second handstand hold (against the wall, or freestanding practice) Try getting some toe-to-bar practice in today, even if it means scaling the target range of motion down to hip or knee height. Feel free to do a low wall walk for the handstand […]
July 13, 2023
SkillEMOM for 3 minutes:Clean pull + power clean + squat cleanEMOM for 3 minutes:Power clean + squat cleanEMOM for 3 minutes:Squat clean As the reps decrease and the skill sequences simplifies, add weight. Touch-and-go or dropping every rep for singles are both options, but stick with one once you’ve started it. The focus of these […]
July 12, 2023
Skill8 sets of:3 ring muscle up transitions (standing, banded, jumping, or on the high rings)3 ring dips3-10 second support hold Ideally you’ll hit your 3 muscle up transitions, 3 dips, and 3-10 second support hold all in the same unbroken set. The goal is to pick a difficulty that lets you accomplish that without too […]
July 11, 2023
SkillEMOM for 3 minutes: Two power snatches plus one squat snatchEMOM for 3 minutes: One power snatch plus one squat snatchEMOM for 3 minutes: One squat snatch As the power snatches drop out of the complex, add a little more weight. Feel free to hit these sets as either singles or touch-and-go, but do try […]
July 10, 2023
Skill Front Squat 7-7-5-5-3-3 Target percentages: Sets of 7: 65-75% Sets of 5: 70-80% Sets of 3: 80-90% Get after some heavy front squats! Be sure to back up far enough that you can drop the bar without potentially hitting the rack. Pay attention to your knee and torso positioning; if you start caving in […]
July 9, 2023
Workout of the Day5 rounds:1 minute of burpees1 minute of box jumps1 minute of burpee box jumps1 minute of rest You get to be a connoisseur of plyometric combinations today! It’s all just cardio in disguise, so settle into a steady pace right out of the gates. Feel free to do step ups instead of […]
July 8, 2023
Workout of the DayFor time:800 m run50 thrusters50 toes to bar50 thrusters800 m run 25 minute time cap Today’s thrusters should be light enough that you can easily maintain sets of 10-20 throughout the workout. Scale the toe to bar to a difficulty that lets you sustain quick sets of about 5 reps across all […]
July 7, 2023
SkillEMOM for 5 minutes:Hang clean high pullClean and jerk Then 8 minutes of cleans We’re echoing Wednesday’s lifting format with the clean and jerk today. Prime your full extension with the high pulls in the first 5 minutes, then follow through on the full clean and jerk. The 8 minutes of free lifting can be […]
July 6, 2023
Skill10 sets of 3 strict pull up (banded, unassisted, or weighted) Pick a difficulty that lets you hit one set every minute or so. Try adding just a small weight, even if you’re still working with a band; adding a weight to your back while being assisted by the band is a great way to […]
July 5, 2023
SkillEMOM for 5 minutes:Hang snatch high pullSnatch high pullSnatch (power or squat) Then 8 minutes of snatching Start off this Olympic lifting skill session with a simple high pull progression to prime the power development in a tall position at the top of your lift. Once you’ve finished 5 minutes of that sequence you can […]