June 15, 2023
SkillDeadlift 5 sets of 6Immediately after each set of deadift, complete one large set of push upsTarget deadlift percentages: 70-70-70-75-75 This is our last of 4 weeks on this deadlift/push up skill piece, and we’re up to 6 deadlifts per set. Pick a push up difficulty that lets you hit at least 10-15 reps per […]
June 14, 2023
Skill10 minutes of handstand practice Take today to work on your favorite skills and drills. Check with your coach for suggestions, or refer to the list below (in roughly ascending order of difficulty). Box shoulder standWall walkKick up against wallKick up against wall from straddleCartwheelCrow standFreestanding kick upFreestanding kick up from straddleHandstand walkObstacle course Workout […]
June 13, 2023
SkillEMOM for 5 minutes:Power clean plus front squat plus split jerk Then: 5 minutes of clean and jerk Same idea today as yesterday’s snatch work; use the first 5 minutes on the EMOM clock to drill and warm up the lift before transitioning to free lifting for the last 5 minutes. Workout of the Day3 […]
June 12, 2023
SkillEMOM for 5 minutes:Power snatch plus overhead squat Then: 5 minutes of snatching (squat or power) Spend the first 5 minutes of today’s skill work on the EMOM clock practicing your power snatch and overhead squat before transitioning to free lifting for the last 5 minutes. As you go through those first 5 rounds, try […]
June 11, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 30 minutes with a partner:500 m run together50 calories total (row, bike, or ski. One partner working at a time)50 kettlebell swings total (one partner working at a time) Settle in for a long workout! The key to this one is that you and your partner don’t have to split […]
June 10, 2023
Workout of the Day5 rounds, 3 minutes on, 1 minute off:3 squat clean and jerks6 lateral burpees30 double unders Pick a challenging weight on the squat clean and jerks; if you’re able to do any touch-and-go reps, you’ve likely gone a little too light. Practice quick transitions between movements, even if it means resting a […]
June 9, 2023
SkillDeadlift 5 sets of 5Immediately after each set of deadift, complete one large set of push upsTarget deadlift percentages: 70-70-70-75-75 The deadlift and push up train keeps rolling! Note that the percentages have dropped a little bit to reflect the increase in per-set volume. Pick a push up difficulty that lets you hit at least […]
June 8, 2023
SkillOverhead squat:3-3-2-2-1-1Suggested weight progression (in %): 80-80-85-90-95-Heavy single We’ve fully eliminated the pause from the bottom of the overhead squat, and you now have a chance to work up to a heavy single. Be sure not to rush the movement; the pause may be gone, but taking your time and stabilizing will help you finish […]
June 7, 2023
SkillEvery 1:15 for 8 rounds:Hang clean high pullHang squat cleanSplit jerk The focus on the cleans today is similar to Monday’s snatch work; prime your full extension with the high pull, and then follow through on the hang squat clean. Finish the complex off with a split jerk. Workout of the Day5 rounds:1 minute of […]
June 6, 2023
Skill10 rounds:15 seconds of strict pull ups45 seconds of rest Pick a difficulty that lets you hit 3-5 reps in every 15 second interval. Use a band or add external weight as needed to decrease or increase the difficulty, respectively. standard: bandedrx: unassistedsport: weighted Workout of the DayFor time:400 m run20 deadlifts40 med ball sit […]