April 29, 2023
Workout of the Day4 rounds:3 minutes to complete a 200 m farmer’s carry (rest in the remainder of the time)3 minutes of:20 step ups (switch at the top)20 kettlebell deadlifts You’ll have rest each round in this workout, but you’ll have to earn it by moving quickly on your carry prior to the step up/deadlift […]
April 28, 2023
SkillTake 10 to 15 minutes to practice handstands. Below is a sequence of drills in roughly ascending order of difficulty. Check in with your coach if you’re not sure where to start or what to tackle next. Be safe, and have fun! Box shoulder standWall walk to handstand holdHandstand kick up against the wallCartwheelCrow standHandstand […]
April 27, 2023
Skill5 rounds:30 seconds of sandbag cleans30 seconds of push ups1 minute of rest With the clock on a 30 second timer, you’ll hit sandbag cleans for one interval, push ups for the next, and rest for two in a row. For large classes, stagger which station you’re starting on. Try to move quickly within your […]
April 26, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:One set of a ring muscle up drill (sequences are below)OR5 ring rows and 5 ring dips (banded if needed) A drill sequence for ring muscle ups is below, in rough order of increasing difficulty. Spend no more than 20 seconds each minute working. If you’d like to keep the skill work […]
April 25, 2023
SkillEMOM for 5 minutes:Hang clean plus clean (squat or power on both) Then, 8 minutes to work on cleans at your own pace Same format as yesterday, but for the clean. Use the first 5 minutes to prime the basics of the movement and gradually work up in weight. The last 8 minutes will not […]
April 24, 2023
SkillEMOM for 5 minutes:Hang snatch plus snatch (squat or power on both) Then, 8 minutes to work on snatches at your own pace Use the first 5 minutes to prime the basics of the movement and gradually work up in weight. The last 8 minutes will not be on an interval, so you’ll have time […]
April 23, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes:10 strict pull ups10 deadlifts25 sit ups Scale both your deadlifts and your pull ups so that you’re spending no more than about a minute to a minute and a half on each movement. It’s ok if your pull ups break down to singles, but the deadlifts shouldn’t take […]
April 22, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 24 minutes:Partner 1 runs 400 m while partner 2 accumulates caloriesPartner 2 runs 400 m while partner 1 accumulates caloriesPartner 1 runs 200 m while partner 2 accumulates hang kettlebell snatchesPartner 2 runs 200 m while partner 1 accumulates hang kettlebell snatches Add up all of your team’s calories and […]
April 21, 2023
SkillEMOM for 5 minutes:Clean pull + power clean + push jerk Immediately into: EMOM for 5 minutes:Power clean + push jerk Use the first 5 minutes to get extra priming and practice in using the clean pull. Your power clean should be following the same line and tempo as the clean pull. Drop the first […]
April 20, 2023
SkillTempo deadlift6 sets of 4 repsFull speed up, 2 second hold at the top, 4 second descent, 2 second pause on the floor. Target 65-75% of your max. Breaking up your normal tempo on the deadlift is going to be taxing, so start with conservative weights as you’re getting used to the timing. Prioritize positioning […]