April 19, 2023
SkillEMOM for 8 minutes:One or two rope climbs, or one set of ring rows Today you’ll either be practicing rope climb technique or building the basic pulling strength needed to get started on the skill. Let your coach know if you’re interested in learning the basics of the rope climb technique, even if you aren’t […]
April 18, 2023
SkillStrict press5 at 55%5 at 60%5 at 65%5 at 70%5 at 75% Take about 15 minutes to work up to a set of 5 strict presses at 75% of your max. Note that the last set is not a max set; get a good strength session in, but save some shoulders for the rest of […]
April 17, 2023
SkillAMRAP in 7 minutes:3 toes to bar3 pull ups (kipping)30 second supine plank If you’re confident with both the kipping pull up and the toe to bar, practice transitioning directly from your last toe to bar to your first pull up without breaking the cadence of your kipping swing. If you’re newer to the movement, […]
April 16, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes:30 alternating dumbbell power snatches30 weighted step ups (single dumbbell)60 sit ups Every 4 minutes, including at the start of the workout, complete 100 drag rope single unders Use a dumbbell weight that you’re very comfortable snatching for high volume. You’ll be using that same dumbbell for the weighted […]
April 15, 2023
Workout of the Day5 rounds, 3 minutes on, 1 minute off:400 m run,Then max thrusters in the remaining time Pick a run distance that you can finish in no more than two minutes each round; drop to a 300 or 200 if needed. Choose the heaviest thruster weight with which you can sustain small sets […]
April 14, 2023
Skill5 rounds:20 second hollow40 second supine plank20 second arch40 second rest Tuck in any number of arms and/or legs if needed to sustain the hollow hold for the whole 20 seconds every round. Convince your coach to read out some trivia. Bonus points if you make them do a Trebek impression. Workout of the DayAMRAP […]
April 13, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Hang power snatch plus power snatch plus overhead squat Find strong positioning from the hang, and then replicate that positioning from the floor. Only squat as low as your flexibility will allow. Keep the weight within a range that lets you feel confident across all ten sets of this complex. Workout of […]
April 12, 2023
SkillEvery 3 minutes for 4 rounds:400 m run Saturday’s workout has five runs under heavy time pressure, so we’ll be practicing a similar time and distance today. The goal is to pick a distance that you can very comfortably finish in less than two minutes each round (ideally less than 1:45). If you need to […]
April 11, 2023
Skill10 sets of 5 strict pull ups and 5 ring dipsRest as needed between rounds, but move immediately from the pull ups to the dips Use a band on either or both movements to make ten sets of 5 manageable. We’re off the clock, but try not to rest more than a minute or two […]
April 10, 2023
SkillEvery 1:20 for 8 rounds:Squat clean thruster plus two thrusters We have a heavy thruster workout on Saturday (rx:135/95), so take this chance to get a sense for where you’re at with the lift. Try to keep the barbell moving smoothly across all three reps rather than letting it come to a stop on the […]