March 20, 2023
Skill7 rounds:45 second sprint (row, bike, or ski)15 second rest45 second rest (rx&sport) or plank (standard)15 second rest Record total calories to SugarWOD We’re starting the week with a sprint today. The goal here is to push hard enough in the 45 second sprint that you need to rest in the other 45 second interval. […]
March 19, 2023
Workout of the Day6 rounds: 1 minute of calories1 minute of wall balls1 minute of calories1 minute of rest If machines are in short supply for the class size, half of the class will start one minute late. This way they’ll be on the machines when the other half is on the wall balls and […]
March 18, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes:50 lateral burpees100 double unders30 clean and jerks100 double unders50 lateral burpees100 double unders20 bar muscle ups Scale the burpee volume so that you can finish each round of them (whether it’s 50 or fewer) in under 4 minutes. Use a barbell weight that has you moving at steady […]
March 17, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:One set of a bar muscle up drillOROne set of kipping pull up practice Both the bar muscle up and the kipping pull up can be practiced with a band. It’s a little awkward at first, but it’s absolutely worth getting used to it so that you have that tool available to […]
March 16, 2023
Skill3 rounds through the following: 3x 20 sec on, 10 sec off: Arch hold3x 20 sec on, 10 sec off: Hollow hold3x 20 sec on, 10 sec off: Ring dips You’ll stay on each station for 3 intervals before moving to the next station, and you’ll cycle through the whole of the larger sequence 3 […]
March 15, 2023
SkillEvery 2 minutes for 5 rounds:100 m run6 burpeesOne set of toes to bar The focus here is on a quick pace and a quick transition from one thing to the next. No element should take more than thirty seconds, so that you have at least thirty seconds to rest each round. To scale the […]
March 14, 2023
SkillEMOM for 6 minutes:Power snatch plus overhead squat EMOM for 4 minutes:Squat snatch Take the first 6 minutes to practice hitting full extension on your power clean, and a deep squat on your overhead squat. In the last 4 minutes, throw a little extra weight on as you apply both of those technical pointers to […]
March 13, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:15 double unders plus one squat cleanHold across at ~65-75% of your 1 rep max Today’s skill work is an evolution of last Tuesday’s, and prep for the transitions in the workout today. The weight should be light enough that you’re taking no more than about 5 seconds between your last double […]
March 12, 2023
Workout of the Day4 rounds:90 seconds of goblet step ups90 seconds of wall walks90 seconds of kettlebell swings90 seconds of rest 90 seconds is a tough work interval; throw in frequent short rests as needed in order to keep a consistent work rate throughout the interval. Avoid working in such long or intense efforts that […]
March 11, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 10 minutes:20 pull ups (kipping or strict)20 box jump overs Rest 4 minutes AMRAP in 10 minutes:40/32 calories20 box jump overs Record your rounds and reps separately for the first and second AMRAP. The pull up sets are quite large today; break them up early and often if you know […]