February 28, 2023
SkillAMRAP in 10 minutes:20 air squats40 double unders10 burpees40 double undersRest 1 minute after the second round of double unders before your start back on the air squats Don’t go all out on your pace here. We’re working on double unders while fatigued from some basic conditioning movements. The goal is consistency on the rope.Modify […]
February 27, 2023
SkillBack Squat3 reps at 70%3 reps at 75%3 or more reps at 80% Almost there! Just one more week of squats after this. Ask for spotters if you’re going hard, and be sure to get some warm up sets in between the empty bar and your first work set at 70%. Also, take your time […]
February 26, 2023
Workout of the DayEvery 7 minutes for 3 rounds:30 goblet squats50 sit ups30 kettlebell swings Rest in the remainder of the 7 minutes.Post your slowest of the three times to the board and SugarWOD. Use a kettlebell that lets you finish the 30 swings in no more than 4 sets. Your core will be pretty […]
February 25, 2023
Workout of the DayRx and Sport:AMRAP in 15 minutes:5-10-15-20-25-30….Burpee pull ups10 shuttle runs after each round* After 15 minutes, you immediately go into 5 minutes to find a max weight thruster from the floor. Standard:AMRAP in 15 minutes:5-10-15-20-25-30….Burpees to a target10 shuttle runs after each round* After 15 minutes, you immediately go into 5 minutes […]
February 24, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:1 thruster, with the barbell starting on the floor If you’re tackling the Open tomorrow, you’ll get a chance to work up to a max thruster after the first part of the workout. Use today to test the movement and get a sense for what you might be targeting. You can do […]
February 23, 2023
Skill10 rounds:15 seconds of strict weighted pull ups1 minute of rest We’re working through two more weeks of this pull up progression; that will take us through the end of both the Open and our back squat progression. After that we’ll be reincorporating formats similar to the sprint work that we saw prior to the […]
February 22, 2023
Skill4 rounds:30 seconds of double under work15 seconds of rest 45 seconds of rest 4 rounds:30 seconds of double under work15 seconds of rest We’re continuing our double under practice with larger work sets and more rest between them. Check out the guidelines below for a refresher on how to approach this skill. When you’re […]
February 21, 2023
SkillBack Squat5 reps at 65%5 reps at 70%5 or more reps at 75% We’re working through one more three week progression of our 5-3-1 back squat. If you established a new max last cycle then work off that. If you didn’t, consider still adding 5-10 pounds to your max for the purpose of calculating this […]
February 20, 2023
Workout of the DayOnly one class today at 10 am, with open gym from 11 – 1 pm.We’ll get our back squats done tomorrow. AMRAP in 24 minutes with a partner:8 pull ups16 burpeesOne partner working through at least one full round while the other restsEvery 6 minutes, including at the start of the workout, […]
February 19, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes:30 kettlebell swings50 air squats150 drag rope single unders Settle in for some larger sets on today’s workout. Break up your swings into 2-4 sets to keep them sustainable, and try to move through the squats at a steady and consistent pace. If drag rope single unders are too […]