February 18, 2023
Workout of the DayRx and Sport:AMRAP in 14 minutes:60 calories on the rower50 toes to bar40 wall balls (20/14 lb, 10/9′ target)30 power cleans (135/95)20 muscle ups Standard:AMRAP in 14 minutes:60 calories on the rower50 hanging knee raises40 wall balls (14/10 lb, 10/9′ target)30 power cleans (95/65)20 pull ups (kipping or strict) Post rounds and […]
February 17, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:One set of a ring muscle up drill (sequences are below)OR5 ring rows and 5 ring dips (banded if needed) We’ve got muscle ups in the first Open workout tomorrow! They’re at the tail end of a lot of other work, but we’ll take the chance to practice some progressions today. A […]
February 16, 2023
Skill10 rounds:15 seconds of strict weighted pull ups1 minute of rest Up an additional 2.5 to 10 pounds from last week. We’ll be adding 2.5 to 10 pounds each week, with the goal of always finishing at least 30 pull ups across the whole interval. If at any point you aren’t able to get through […]
February 14, 2023
Skill5 rounds:20 seconds of double under work10 seconds of rest 1 minute rest 5 rounds:20 seconds of double under work10 seconds of rest When you’re practicing, more than half of your sets should end in success. Success means that you stopped the set deliberately instead of being tripped by the rope or whipping yourself. If […]
February 15, 2023
SkillEvery 50 seconds for 10 rounds:Squat snatch plus 2 power snatchesTouch-and-go Keep it light and technically solid. We’re practicing barbell cycling with snatches today, and will be working with techniques that are very similar to those used for touch and go power cleans. The larger range of motion and greater demand on shoulder strength and […]
February 13, 2023
SkillWe’re switching up our skill work for the next few weeks to accommodate the Open. We’ll keep our back squat progression on Monday, move our pull up work from Friday to Thursday, and drop the deadlift progression in favor of double under work. Fridays we’ll be throwing in some light skill practice to work on […]
February 12, 2023
Workout of the Day6 rounds:1:30 sandbag cleans1:30 steps ups1:30 rest You’ll be accumulating way more reps on your step ups today than your sandbag cleans, but don’t deliberately slow down on the movement to save energy because of it (don’t sandbag the sandbags). Put a strong effort in on the cleans, and then hang on […]
February 11, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 30 minutes:800 m run40 alternating dumbbell snatches200 m farmer carry (one KB, one DB) Pick a dumbbell weight that lets you move through the snatches in sets of 10 or so consistently throughout the workout. To round out the farmer carry, select a kettlebell that’s within 10 pounds of your […]
February 10, 2023
Skill10 rounds:15 seconds of strict weighted pull ups1 minute of rest Up an additional 2.5 to 10 pounds from last week. We’ll be adding 2.5 to 10 pounds each week, with the goal of always finishing at least 30 pull ups across the whole interval. If at any point you aren’t able to get through […]
February 9, 2023
Skill6 rounds:30 second L sit15 seconds of rest30 seconds of wall walks (aim for 2-3 reps)15 seconds of rest We’ve got wall walks in the workout today, so we’re going to practice a few in the skill work so that you have a chance to get feedback on your technique and range of motion outside […]