February 8, 2023
SkillDeadlift5 reps at 65%3 reps at 75%1 or more reps at 85% This is your chance to work up to a heavy and hard set. Work off of the numbers you established in the previous two weeks, and push the 1+ set today. Workout of the Day3 rounds:2 minutes of ring dips2 minutes of clean […]
February 7, 2023
SkillEvery 45 seconds for 10 rounds:3 touch and go power cleans We’re keeping the weight lighter today and practicing barbell cycling technique; whether you’re coming to a full stop at the hang on the way back down or reaching straight for the floor, you’ll be working on a method of confidently working through three reps […]
February 6, 2023
SkillBack Squat5 reps at 65%3 reps at 75%1 or more reps at 85% Safety note: be sure not to go for a max or near-max set unless you either have a spotter on both sides (never just one) or have practiced bailing out from under your bar. Your coach will cover safe spotting technique. This […]
February 5, 2023
Workout of the Day1 minute of alternating dumbbell hang power cleans1 minute of sit ups1 minute of calories (row, bike, or ski)2 minutes of alternating dumbbell hang power cleans2 minutes of sit ups2 minutes of calories (row, bike, or ski)3 minutes of alternating dumbbell hang power cleans3 minutes of sit ups3 minutes of calories (row, […]
February 4, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 15 minutes:5-10-15-20-25… etcDeadliftBox jump Every 3 minutes, including at the start of the workout, hold in a plank for 1 minute (Essentially 1 minute plank, 2 minute AMRAP). The plank will be a tough hold in the middle of a heavy lifting/conditioning workout, but do your best to hang on […]
February 3, 2023
Skill10 rounds:15 seconds of strict weighted pull ups1 minute of rest Up an additional 2.5 to 10 pounds from last week. We’ll be adding 2.5 to 10 pounds each week, with the goal of always finishing at least 30 pull ups across the whole interval. If at any point you aren’t able to get through […]
February 2, 2023
SkillEvery 1:20 for 8 rounds:Snatch (squat or power) plus:3 overhead squats with a 2 second freeze at the bottom of each The main focus of today’s skill work is the overhead squat. We’re spending a lot of time in the bottom of the movement to build our positioning and stability. If you don’t have full […]
February 1, 2023
SkillDeadlift3 reps at 70%3 reps at 75%3 or more reps at 80% We’re building off of last week’s deadlifts and working toward our heaviest set next week. If you have a newly calculated 1 rep max after last week’s last set, be sure to use that as the reference number for your percentages. Workout of […]
January 31, 2023
Skill5 rounds:45 seconds of rope climbs15 seconds of rest45 seconds of ring dips15 seconds of rest45 second plank15 seconds of rest The rope climbs can be scaled to banded pull ups or an inclined rope climb on the lower ropes (like a ring row, but working your way up the rope to standing). Avoid ring […]
January 30, 2023
SkillBack Squat3 reps at 70%3 reps at 75%3 or more reps at 80% Safety note: be sure not to go for a max or near-max set unless you either have a spotter on both sides (never just one) or have practiced bailing out from under your bar. Your coach will cover safe spotting technique. We’re […]