January 20, 2023
SkillEvery 50 seconds for 10 rounds:Hang power snatchSlow pull power snatch We’re hitting the same drill sequence on the power snatch that we did on the power clean on Wednesday. Keep the second rep slow and be patient on initiating the explosive portion of the lift; the goal of this drill is to establish good […]
January 19, 2023
Skill8 rounds:20 second L hang10 second rest20 second handstand hold10 second rest Ideally your L hang will have you in an overhand grip on the pull up bar with your knees straight and your pointed toes above the height of your hips. If you aren’t able to maintain that position, then switch to a tuck […]
January 18, 2023
SkillEvery 50 seconds for 10 rounds:Hang power cleanSlow pull power clean Keep the second rep slow and be patient on initiating the explosive portion of the lift; the goal of this drill is to establish good positioning on the first rep, and then repeat that positioning on the second rep. The interval is just a […]
January 17, 2023
Skill10 sets of 3 strict pull ups Banded, unassisted, or weighted. This is a great chance to push the difficulty of the pull up. Remember that you can add weight to the pull up even when you’re using a band; this is a solid method of spanning the difficulty gap between bands. Take about ten […]
January 16, 2023
Workout of the DayJust one workout today at 10 am, and then open gym from 11-12 Workout of the Day:AMRAP in 20 minutes, with a partner,Alternating full rounds with your partner:6 power cleans9 push ups12 air squats We weren’t able to make it in to the gym last Wednesday when we had this programmed, so […]
January 15, 2023
Workout of the Day5 rounds:2 minute of calories (row, bike, or ski)1 minute of push presses1 minute of drag rope double unders Go light enough on the push press that you’re getting two or three sets of 5-10 reps each minute. Note that there isn’t any programmed rest, so pace conservatively. Your score is the […]
January 14, 2023
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 18 minutes, with a partner:20 box jumps10 toes to barYou’ll work on that AMRAP while your partner completes a 500 m row or 1,000 m bike. Once your partner finishes their distance on the machine, you’ll switch. Your partner will pick up where you left off on the AMRAP, and […]
January 13, 2023
SkillStrict Press6 sets of 3 reps Shoot to have your last couple of work sets be around 80% of your max. Focus on keeping your legs and core tight so that each rep is all arms. Workout of the DayAMRAP in 10 minutes:Lateral burpeesEvery minute, including at the start of the workout, complete 4 squat […]
January 12, 2023
SkillEvery 1:20 for 10 rounds: First 6 rounds:Hang power snatch + power snatch + overhead squat Last 4 rounds:Squat snatch Use the first drill sequence to warm up the movement and practice it at a decently challenging load. If you want to push the weight a little bit, do so in the last 4 rounds. […]
January 11, 2023
Warm UpStill closed due to power line repair on 2nd street 🙁 Check Instagram and email for updates! Warm up: Part one:3 rounds:30 plank should taps20 lunges Part two:AMRAP in 5 minutes:3 push ups3 burpees12 air squats Part three:3 rounds:30 second arch hold30 second twisted cross per side Workout of the Day5 rounds, 3 minutes […]