October 22, 2022
Workout of the DayIn teams of 3:AMRAP in 20 minutes:Station 1: 500 m runStation 2: Max reps wall ballsStation 3: Rest One partner will start on each station. When the runner returns, they move on to wall balls, the partner on wall balls rests, and the partner resting takes off on the 500 m run. […]
October 21, 2022
Skill5 rounds:15 second hollow hold15 second arch hold15 second hollow hold15 second L sit1 minute rest Set yourself up for a quick rolling transition from hollow to arch and back again. This will probably be pretty hard. Workout of the Day5 rounds:1 minute of calories (row, bike, or ski)1 minute of pull ups (strict or […]
October 20, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Hang snatch high-pull + slow pull snatch high-pull + slow pull power snatch We’ve got a complex drill sequence today, so keep it light. The focus is on developing speed and positioning from above the knee instead of rushing off the floor. Get a feel for the proper pulling position on the […]
October 19, 2022
SkillFront Squat 5 sets of 5 This is the last of the 3 week volume progression on front squats. If you can reasonably hit the same weights as last week, do so. Workout of the DayAMRAP in 10 minutes:10-20-30-40-50… alternating dumbbell power snatches50 double unders after each round Use a dumbbell that lets you hit […]
October 18, 2022
SkillEMOM for 8 minutes:3 deadlifts plus one set of push ups Try to find a challenging but solid weight to hold across the whole interval rather than adding weight minute-to-minute. Shoot for consistency on the push ups. Save gas in the tank for the workout. Workout of the DayAMRAP in 16 minutes:16 med balls sit […]
October 17, 2022
SkillEvery 45 seconds for 10 rounds:One set of kipping pull ups, banded kipping pull ups, kipping swings, or ring rows If you don’t yet have the strength to get a solid set of 5-10 kipping swings each round, drop down to ring rows to work on your shoulder strength. Drills can be switched up between […]
October 16, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 25 minutes:800 m run40 kettlebell swings20 burpees Your kettlebell weight should let you maintain sets of ten throughout the whole workout. standard: 20/12rx: 28/20sport: 32/24metcon: 5x 3:00 on, 2:00 off
October 15, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes:1 minute plank hold200 m farmer carry (kettlebell and dumbbell)30 wall balls Your plank hold does not have to be unbroken, but you do have to accumulate a total of 60 seconds in the plank before continuing on to the farmer carry each round. Whatever kettlebell and dumbbell you […]
October 14, 2022
Skill15 minutes to work up to a heavy single power clean plus split jerk If you’re newer to the lift, get more frequent reps in at lower weights to practice the technique. If you’re experienced and want to push for a heavy lift or a max, be sure to get longer rest in. Don’t sacrifice […]
October 13, 2022
SkillEvery 45 seconds for 10 rounds:One set of toes to bar, hanging knee raises, or kipping swings Pick the most challenging skill from the list above that you can consistently get a small set on each round. Be sure that you’re starting each set in a neutral position underneath the pull up bar, rather than […]