August 24, 2022
SkillEvery 45 seconds for 10 rounds:One power clean and push jerk We’re knocking out a quick lifting interval prior to the long workout today. Use this as a chance to get above your working weight for the AMRAP and get a sense of how heavy you want to be going. Feel free to split jerk […]
August 23, 2022
SkillAMRAP in 8 minutes:4 strict pull ups30 second plank hold Pick a pull up difficulty that will let you work through 4 reps in no more than 45 seconds or so throughout the whole skill work. Sport: 1 rope climb instead of 4 pull ups Workout of the Day4 rounds:2 minutes of calories (row, bike, […]
August 22, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Power clean plus 4 front squats We’re up one rep from last Monday; if you did that skill work, consider trying to hang on to the same weight here. Workout of the DayAMRAP in 15 minutes:5-10-15-20-25-30…etcSit upAlternating dumbbell hang power cleanBox jump Grab your favorite dumbbell and settle into a steady rhythm […]
August 21, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 25 minutes:800 m run40 KB swings You’ll be hitting some high volume on your kettlebell today, so choose a weight that’s manageable for sets of ~20 at a time. standard: 20/12, run/row/ski 800 or bike 2,000rx: 24/20sport: 28/24metcon: 5×4:00 on, 1:00 off
August 20, 2022
Workout of the Day2 rounds, 6 minutes on, 3 minutes off12 deadlifts9 hang power cleans6 push jerks Today’s workout is a restructured version of last Saturday; the total working duration is the same, but the individual work intervals are longer and the total rest is lower. A challenging target for today would be to attempt […]
August 19, 2022
SkillBack Squat 8 sets of 3 reps Be sure to ask for spotters if you think you may be tackling a challenging set. Remember that we always use two spotters on the back squat: one on either side. Even the strongest individual can fail to spot a relatively light squat if they are working from […]
August 18, 2022
SkillAMRAP in 7 minutes:7 toes to bar30 second handstand hold If handstand holds aren’t the best idea for you, consider scaling to a plank. Remember that you can always set up a pair of boxes for an elevated shoulder stand against the wall if your shoulder strength is the limiting factor. Workout of the DayAMRAP […]
August 17, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Squat Snatch Keep your load and range of motion within safe and sound limits; you should feel comfortable and confident in your balance and positioning before adding weight. Newer lifters may want to do 2 or 3 reps per minute at a lighter weight to get a higher volume of practice in. […]
August 16, 2022
Skill5 rounds:1 minute supine plank30 second L sit30 second rest We’ve got some low-intensity core to go with our hot weather today. Coerce your coach into trivia. Workout of the DayAMRAP in 12 minutes:6 power cleans12 sit ups24 double unders Your power cleans should be either smooth singles or small sets. Select a volume and […]
August 15, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Power clean plus 3 front squats We’ll be continuing this progression over the next two weeks to clean+4 front squats and then clean+5 front squats. Try to hold across at a reasonable weight, leaving room to bump up the volume week-to-week. Workout of the Day5 rounds:1 minute of pull ups (strict or […]