August 4, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:10 double unders plus one squat snatch This format is similar to last week’s clean and jerk, but more compressed. Your jump rope should be an easy unbroken set, acting as a reset before each lift. If you aren’t able to comfortably do a full squat snatch, then don’t go deep. Be […]
August 3, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:4 deadlifts Up one rep per minute from last week. If your load last week felt quite manageable, then consider trying to duplicate that same load this week, but for a higher volume. Workout of the DayAMRAP in 12 minutes:12 devil presses24 sit ups Focus on your footwork on the devil press […]
August 2, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:2 squat clean thrusters Use the skill work as movement prep for the workout. Feel free to work up to a heavy double, but don’t let your back hyperextend or your shoulders shift into an asymmetric press-out. Lift pretty. Workout of the Day5 rounds:1:15 of thrusters0:15 rest1:15 of calories (row, bike, or […]
August 1, 2022
SkillAMRAP in 7 minutes:5 push ups3 strict pull ups It’s arm day. Pick difficulties that let you go unbroken with short rests for at least the first few minutes. Ring rows are a better scaling option than banded pull ups today; because the rounds are so short, getting in and out of the band will […]
July 30, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 24 minutes:400 m run20 kettlebell swings20 box jumps We’re using a lighter kettlebell in today’s workout; you should be able to finish your 20 reps in no more than 2 sets throughout the entire 24 minutes. standard: 20/12 kg, 20/12″, run/row/ski 400 or bike 1000rx: 24/16 kg, 24/20″, runsport: 28/20 […]
July 31, 2022
Workout of the DayAMRAP in 20 minutes:200 m med ball carry20 push presses40 Russian twists w/med ball Your barbell should be light enough that you can always finish your push presses in 3 sets or less. The Russian twist today is with a heavier and more awkward object, so expect to spend a little more […]
July 29, 2022
Skill5 rounds:1 minute supine plank30 second L sit30 second rest Perhaps some trivia to go with your core work? Workout of the DayAMRAP in 8 minutes:20/15 calories (row, bike, or ski)20 sit ups Rest 2 minutes AMRAP in 8 minutes:20 overhead lunges20 sit ups We have another pair of 8 minute AMRAPs today, with 2 […]
July 28, 2022
SkillEvery 90 seconds for 8 rounds:20 double unders plus one power clean and jerk Use this lifting interval as a chance to get a sense for an appropriate weight for the workout. Push jerk and split jerk are both acceptable. The double unders are meant to keep you warm and moving, and should be done […]
July 27, 2022
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:3 deadlifts Be sure to only increase weight if you’re certain that you can keep solid form on each rep. It is very easy to slip into poor positioning under heavy load on the deadlift, so check in with your coach if you aren’t sure whether or not a jump in weight […]
July 26, 2022
Skill6 rounds:20 second ring support hold10 second rest20 second hollow hold10 second rest20 second arch hold 10 second rest Finishing 6 rounds of a 20 second ring support hold is very difficult, so scale to a plank if you aren’t comfortable on the rings yet. standard: plank hold instead of ring supportrx: ring support holdsport: […]