Workout of the Day
1 round with 3 minutes at each station
burpee box jumps
squat snatches
burpee box jumps
squat snatches
burpee box jumps
1 minute rest between each station
You’ll need a box and a barbell for today’s interval workout. We’ll be working for three minutes at a time through 3 sets of 3 minutes of burpee box jumps and 2 sets of 3 minutes of squat snatches. Choose a weight for your barbell that allows you to complete the snatches in either singles or small sets. You should be able to guarantee every rep for the snatch reps even when you’re tired so spend some time before the workout starts deciding what weight is best for you. If squat snatches are particularly difficult you can choose to do power snatches plus an overhead squat or power snatches are always an option as well. Your score at the end of the workout will be all the burpee box jumps and all the snatch reps you complete.
standard: 115/85 lb
rx: 135/95 lb
sport: 155/105 lb
overachiever: 185/125 lb
CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you are working with a dumbbell or kettlebell you’ll end up with a much higher rep count that if you were using a barbell. If squat snatches aren’t happening with a dumbbell or kettlebell you can choose power snatches instead. Regular burpees or burpee broad jumps are a great choice if you don’t have a box for the burpee box jumps.Your score at the end of the workout will be all the burpee box jumps and all the snatch reps you complete. See you on the leaderboard!