February 17, 2022

1 squat snatch

You’ll have ten chances for one squat snatch. If needed you can always switch this lift to a power snatch plus an overhead squat or even just a power snatch. Forty five seconds will likely pass pretty quickly so make a plan for just a few weight jumps as you go. Focus on quality here rather than being too worried about how much weight you end up with on your bar.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes
200m run
20 front rack walking lunge steps

With twelve minutes on the clock today you’ll just need a barbell for this one. Keep it light if this is a movement you struggle with. Make sure you can keep your torso upright throughout the entire lunge step and that your planted foot stays in one place while your working leg is stepping either forward or back depending on your preference for lunges. Score today will be rounds plus reps.

standard: 95/65 lb
rx: 115/85 lb
sport: 135/95 lb
overachiever: 155/105 lb

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