March 14, 2022

EMOM for 10 minutes
3 hang power cleans

We’ll be working on the minute today for ten minutes. This will be a good time to practice cycling hang power cleans at weights that are a bit more challenging without the pressure of doing them in a workout. Hook grip will come in really handy on this skill work so make sure to go over it with your coach and give it a try if this isn’t something you have already been doing with your lifts.

Workout of the Day
3 rounds of 4 minutes on one minute off
500m run
then max reps push-ups or strict HSPU

We’ll be on an interval timer today for this all bodyweight workout. Each round will start with a run all the way around the complex for a full five hundred meters before starting in on either strict push ups or strict handstand push ups. If you are opting for the handstand push up option make sure you are able to complete these reps without kipping and with a max of two ab mats. If you choose strict push-ups today, a workout like this is a perfect time to slow down and hold yourself to a high standard for every rep. Whether you are working from your toes, knees or with your hands on a box make sure that your whole body is moving up and down together, not just your torso. If you are breaking at the hips during your push-ups or resting at the bottom of the rep you are decreasing the difficulty of this movement. Keeping push-ups strict will pay off! You can do it! Your score today will be total push up or handstand push up reps.

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