5 rounds:
1 minute supine plank
30 second L sit
30 second rest
Perhaps some trivia to go with your core work?
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
20/15 calories (row, bike, or ski)
20 sit ups
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
20 overhead lunges
20 sit ups
We have another pair of 8 minute AMRAPs today, with 2 minutes in between them. If the overhead lunge isn’t a safe possibility, scale it down to a front rack or goblet lunge. Note that the prescribed calorie count is different for men and women. Record one score for each 8 minute AMRAP.
standard: 45/35
rx: 75/55
sport: 95/65
metcon: 8:00 on, 2:00 off, 8:00 on