August 1, 2022

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 push ups
3 strict pull ups

It’s arm day. Pick difficulties that let you go unbroken with short rests for at least the first few minutes. Ring rows are a better scaling option than banded pull ups today; because the rounds are so short, getting in and out of the band will take a larger proportion of the time.

sport: 7 minutes of muscle ups, bar or rings.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
200 m run
20 alternating dumbbell power snatches
40 double unders

Today’s workout is the final variation of the theme for the last three days: run, lift, accessory. Your snatches should be done in one or two sets, as should your double unders.

standard: 35/20, run/row/ski 200 or bike 500
rx: 50/35, run
sport: barbell power snatch, 75/55, run
metcon: 3x 3:00 on, 1:00 off

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