EMOM for 10 minutes:
Slow pull power clean
Power clean
Split jerk
Use the slow pull to find the proper lift-off point above the knees, and then keep that positioning at full speed on your second rep. If you’re comfortable lowering the barbell and doing the set touch-and-go, then try to maintain that throughout the whole EMOM.
Workout of the Day
3 rounds, 4 minutes on, 2 minutes off:
12 hang power cleans
8 overhead lunges
40 double unders
Focus on the overhead lunges when picking your weight; they shouldn’t ever take you more than two sets. If the overhead position is a sketchy one for you to be in, consider working on the front rack lunge instead. Your jump rope should take no more than about a minute to complete each round.
Add up your rounds and reps chief-style at the end of the workout
standard: 65/45
rx: 95/65
sport: 115/85, drag rope
metcon: 3×4:00 on, 2:00 off