Every 50 seconds for 10 rounds:
Squat snatch plus 2 power snatches
Keep it light and technically solid. We’re practicing barbell cycling with snatches today, and will be working with techniques that are very similar to those used for touch and go power cleans. The larger range of motion and greater demand on shoulder strength and flexibility means that you have to stay a bit more focused to keep the barbell in a good position.
Because of how variable shoulder strength and flexibility is person-to-person, there isn’t a standard/rx/sport prescription like last week; pick a weight that you’re confident you can hold across all ten rounds with excellent form, and talk to your coach if you have any questions.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 14 minutes with a partner:
12 overhead squats
12 burpee box jump overs
One partner will complete a full round while the other rests. Switch after the last burpee box jump over.
Pick an overhead squat weight that lets you go unbroken, or in 2 sets at most, throughout the workout. If you can use the same barbell as your partner that’s great, but definitely grab a different bar if you need to scale the weight to something more appropriate for your overhead strength and flexibility.
Lower the bar to a front squat if overhead squats are sketchy for you.
Go fast on the burpee box jump overs.
Control your barbells and watch your spacing with nearby teams.
standard: 65/45, 20/12
rx: 95/65, 24/20
sport: same as rx today; go fast and unbroken
metcon: 3×4:00 on, 1:00 off