Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 25 minutes in teams of 3:
Partner 1: 400 m row or 1,000 m bike
Partner 2: AMRAP of 21 sit ups and 3 sandbag cleans
Partner 3: rest
When the rower/biker finished, everyone moves on to the next station (meters to AMRAP to rest). Pick up where your partner left off on the AMRAP, even if it’s in the middle of a round. Your team’s score is the total number of rounds of the AMRAP completed.
If you’re in a team of 2, just skip the rest station. It’ll be fine, I promise…
standard: 70/45
rx: 100/70
sport: 100/70, 5 cleans per round
metcon: 5×4:00 on, 1:00 off