3 rounds:
1:45 of calories
0:30 rest
1:45 rest (rx&sport) or plank (standard)
0:30 rest
Today’s skill work is the same total time on the machine as last monday, but working for 1:45 instead of 45 seconds (and with a proportionally larger rest interval). Because of the longer effort, the expectation is that your pace will be slower, and your total calorie count will be smaller. If you’re on the bike, take your RPM down by about 3-10 from last week. If you’re on the rower (or ski or c2 bike), take your calories per hour down by about 300-700 from last week. That should give you a reasonable pace to hold.
Record total calories.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9… etc
Clean and Jerk (any style)
8 lateral burpees after each round
This workout is essentially a repeat of what we did on Monday the 13th of this month, but with heavy clean and jerks instead of heavy thrusters. Just like with the workout on the 13th, avoid a sprint pace and focus on a steady cadence, especially on the burpees in the first few rounds. 8 minutes is short compared to our usual time domains, but hitting the burpees at an all-out pace is still a recipe for a slow second half.
Pick a clean and jerk weight that is always hard, but never sketchy.
standard: 115/85
rx: 155/105
sport: 185/135
metcon: 4:00 on, 1:00 off, 3:00 on