Workout of the Day
Workout One
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
20 wall balls
20 sit ups
10 burpees
Rest 20 minutes after completing workout one before starting workout two.
We’re doing two full workouts today. Put a hard effort into the first workout without going all-out; you’ll want to save some energy for workout two.
standard: 12/8
rx&sport: 20/14
metcon: 5×2:00 on, 1:00 off
Workout of the Day
Workout Two:
Starting 20 minutes after finishing workout one.
5 rounds for time:
12 power cleans
60 double unders
15 minute time cap
Use a barbell weight that has you doing steady singles through most of the workout. If you’re thinking of doing touch-and-go reps, consider saving them for the last round or two. Scale your jump rope to take no more than a minute.
standard: 95/65
rx&sport: 135/95
metcon: 6×1:30 on, 0:30 off