April 26, 2023

EMOM for 10 minutes:
One set of a ring muscle up drill (sequences are below)
5 ring rows and 5 ring dips (banded if needed)

A drill sequence for ring muscle ups is below, in rough order of increasing difficulty. Spend no more than 20 seconds each minute working. If you’d like to keep the skill work simple today, hit 5 ring rows and 5 ring dips every minute.

Don’t beat your head against the muscle up on the high rings if you’re stuck on the transition; drop to the low rings and practice that transition until you can do it in your sleep. Your transition should be fast, symmetric, low, and very consistent. If it isn’t, modify the drill so that you practice the movement in the way you want to perform it.

Low ring muscle up transitions, feet on the floor
Low ring muscle up transitions, banded
Low ring muscle up transitions, jumping
High ring kipping swing
High ring jumping muscle up transition off box
Hing ring muscle up

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
10-20-30-40-50-60… etc
Kettlebell Hang Snatch
12 Burpee box jump overs after each round

For each round of kettlebell hang snatches, complete half the reps all on one arm before switching to the other for the second half of the reps. In the first round, for example, do 5 on your right and then 5 on your left. Settle in for a tough conditioning challenge. Folks that participated in the 2017 Open may recognize the DNA of this workout. The numbers, movements, and time domain may not be exactly the same, but the feeling will be familiar. Enjoy!

standard: 16/12 kg, 20/12 inches
rx and sport: 24/16 kg, 24/20 inches
metcon: 5×2:00 on, 1:00 off

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