December 24, 2023

Workout of the Day
Note that the gym will be closed Monday the 25th and Tuesday the 26th! We’ll have regular hours otherwise.

AMRAP in 24 minutes:
200 m run
24 single arm dumbbell push presses
At the 8 minute mark, switch to doing goblet squats instead of push presses.
At the 16 minute mark, switch to doing alternating power snatches instead of goblet squats.

If you’re in the middle of a set with your dumbbell when the movement changeover happens, switch immediately to the next movement, picking up the count where you left off with the previous one.

Use a dumbbell that you’re comfortable working with on the weakest of the three movements. Rotate arms as needed on the push press so that both arms get an equal amount of work, but no need to switch every rep.

standard: 35/20 lb
rx: 50/35 lb
sport: 50/35 lb, 32 reps per round
metcon: 8×2:30 on, 0:30 off

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