December 27, 2023

EMOM for 10 minutes:
Hang power snatch
Hang squat snatch

Keep both lifts within a range of motion that lets you hit a secure lockout with your feet firmly planted on the ground; pushing for a lower position on the second rep is the goal, but that shouldn’t compromise any of the fundamental components of good snatch technique. Feel free to drop the barbell between reps. If you struggle with balance, control, or proper lockout, then freeze for three seconds in the catch on both lifts. If that’s extremely challenging, you’re likely targeting too low of a position or too heavy of a lift.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
7 thrusters
40 double unders

Challenge yourself on the thruster weight today; if you can do every round unbroken, you have likely gone too light. Focus on efficient and powerful technique, and remember that you can squat clean thruster the first rep of each set to save yourself some time under the barbell. Scale the jump rope to take no more than about 45 seconds per round.

standard: 75/55
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95, drag rope double unders
metcon: 5×1:30 on, 0:30 off

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