Workout of the Day
Regular hours today! We’ll be closed tomorrow (Monday the 1st), then back to regular hours on Tuesday.
AMRAP in 25 minutes:
400 meter run
40 sit ups
200 meter farmer’s carry (one kettlebell and one dumbbell)
20 front squats
Challenge yourself on the front squat weight today; it’s ok if the twenty reps take four or five sets, as long as your technique isn’t suffering. Choose a dumbbell and kettlebell that are within ten pounds of each other for the carry. Settle in for a long workout!
standard: 95/65 lb bar, 16/12 kg KB, 35/20 lb DB
rx: 135/95 lb bar, 24/16 kg KB, 50/35 lb DB
sport: 155/105 lb bar, 100/70 lb sandbag carry
metcon: 5×4:00 on, 1:00 off