EMOM for 4 minutes:
Power clean plus front squat plus split jerk
8 minutes to work up to a heavy squat clean and split jerk
Use the first 4 minutes to warm up, drill the lift at a lighter weight, and build out the range of motion in your squat. Once you’re in the 8 minutes of free lifting you can slow down the lifting tempo a bit, take more rest, and work up to a max. If you’re newer, feel free to stay on the clock and practice any drill sequences your coach gives you.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
Devil presses
At the start of every minute, complete 15 air squats
This will probably feel like a wrestling match with yourself. Happy Friday!
Scale the squats to take no more than 25-30 seconds when you’re totally exhausted. Use your favorite snatching dumbbell on the devil presses.
standard: 35/20
rx: 50/35
sport: Double dumbbell devil presses: 2x 40/25 lb
metcon: 4:00 on, 2:00 off, 4:00 on