6 rounds:
5 ring dips
10 second ring support hold
20 second L sit (on the ground)
30 second supine plank
Rest about a minute between rounds
You’ve got a full menu in each round! Break up each movement as needed but try to work smoothly and quickly through the full round before taking long rest. Scale the dips with a band or with feet on the floor.
Workout of the Day
6 rounds:
40 seconds of front rack lunges
20 seconds of rest
40 seconds of calories
20 seconds of rest
Do your best to hang onto the lunges for one big set each round. The goal is to fill both 40 second intervals with work and then get a short 20 second break to transition and set up for another work interval. Pace your moment-to-moment effort accordingly.
standard: 75/55
rx: 115/85
sport: 115/85, overhead lunges
metcon: 12×0:40 on, 0:20 off