February 1, 2024

6 rounds:
3 tempo front squats
Immediately into a large set of push ups (~80% of a max set)

Front squat tempo:
3 second descent, 3 second hold at parallel, fast drive up, 3 seconds between lifts

Target weight: ~65-75%

Keep the weight light enough that you can maintain excellent form and a strict tempo across all six sets of three reps. After you finish each set, drop immediately into a large set of push ups. Stop the set when you feel like you’ve done about 80% of the reps that you could hit in a max set. Scale the push up difficulty so that you’re able to hit at least ten reps per round on average.

Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 thrusters
9 toes to bar
60 double unders

All three of these movements have the potential to be quite tough; know your limits and scale so that you’re hitting your intensity goal for the day. Scale the thrusters by lowering the weight, the toes to bar by lowering the range of motion or switching to a sit up variant, and the double unders by dropping the volume or switching to drag rope single unders (80-120 reps per round). Settle into a steady pace, and break early and often if these skills are hard for you.

standard: 45/35
rx: 75/55
sport: 95/65
metcon: 5×2:00 on, 1:00 off

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