April 10, 2024

6 rounds:
5-10 ring dips
5-30 second ring support hold
15-45 second L-sit

Rest about a minute between rounds

The idea of this skill work is to hit a submaximal but very challenging set of ring dips, a ring support hold, and then an L-sit on the floor, all in quick succession. Scale the difficulty of each so that your reps and times fall within the ranges above. The dips and support holds can be scaled with a band or a foot on the ground, or made more difficulty by adding weight. The L-sit can be scaled by tucking one or both legs, or made more difficult by planting the hands further forward on the ground.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
30 double unders
8 front squats

Use a light weight on the front squats; you should be able to do all 8 unbroken throughout the whole workout. The double unders should also be scaled to an amount that you can complete relatively quickly, but it’s ok if they’re more of a skill challenge. They shouldn’t take more than 30-45 seconds per round. 10 minutes is short, so push the pace! Practice those quick transitions on and off the bar.

standard: 65/45
rx: 95/65
sport: 115/85, drag rope double unders
metcon: 5×1:40 on, 0:20 off

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