EMOM for 10 minutes:
Power snatch plus overhead squat
Keep your feet from getting wider than your squat stance on the power snatch; if you can follow through directly into the overhead squat without adjusting your foot position, then you’ve hit a good landing. Limit your range of motion on both movements to accomodate shoulder flexibility limits.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
15 dumbbell push jerks (right arm)
15 dumbbell push jerks (left arm)
12 toes to bar
Use a dumbbell with which 15 reps will take 2 sets for most of the workout. Work through all 15 on one arm before switching to the other. Scale the toes to bar to a difficulty at which you can sustain quick sets of 3 or 4 reps even after you’ve tired out.
standard: 35/20
rx: 50/35
sport: 50/35, 8 bar muscle ups per round instead of toes to bar
metcon: 4×2:30 on, 0:30 off