EMOM for 4 minutes:
Clean and Jerk
8 minutes to work up to a heavy single on clean and jerk
Work on establishing a heavy single or max weight clean and jerk in this skill work. Any style of clean and any style of jerk are fine for today’s skill. You’ll stay on the clock for the first 4 minutes, and then are free to slow down the cadence and build up to something heavier in the last 8.
We have our annual in-gym Olympic lifting meet coming up at the end of July, so we’ll be working on progressions for snatches on Tuesdays and clean and jerks on Thursdays until then. Check the whiteboard for sign-ups and more information!
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerk (right arm)
10 single arm overhead lunges (right arm)
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerk (left arm)
10 single arm overhead lunges (left arm)
20 push ups
Grab your usual workout weight for today; you’ll be sticking with one arm for 20 consecutive reps (10 C&J and 10 lunges), though the hang clean and jerk will feel noticeably easier than a snatch would at the same weight. Switch feet every step on the lunges, even though you’re sticking to one arm for 10 reps. Scale the push ups to a difficulty that lets you maintain small sets throughout the workout, even if it’s only 2 or 3 at a time.
standard: 35/20
rx and sport: 50/35
metcon: 5×1:30 on, 0:30 off