6 rounds:
25 seconds on
1 minute off
3 thrusters, then max lateral burpees in remaining time. Squat clean thruster the first rep of each set.
Pick a challenging thruster weight; you should always be able to do the three reps unbroken, but it should always be tough. As soon as you drop and stabilize your bar, start knocking out fast lateral burpees.
standard: 85/55
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95
Workout of the Day
For time:
Box jump
Push up
Kettlebell swing
15 minute time cap
Use a manageable kettlebell weight for this workout, and scale the push ups so that you don’t grind to a halt in the sets of 30 and 20. If you’re looking for a little more work, check out the sport option below.
standard: 16/12 kg KB, 20/12 inch box
rx: 24/16 kg KB, 24/20 inch box
sport: same as rx, but 40-30-20 reps instead of 30-20-10
metcon: 3×2:30 on, 0:30 off