September 3, 2024

EMOM for 10 minutes:
10 double unders
One set of strict pull ups

Modify your pull up difficulty so that you’re getting 3-6 reps every round. Be sure to stick to just one set so that you don’t overdo it on the pull ups. Scale your jump rope set so that you’re done in about ten seconds.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
15 air squats
10 kettlebell swings
50 drag rope single unders

Choose a heavy enough kettlebell that 10 unbroken swings is quite tough to hang on to, but manageable. You should be able to settle into a smooth flow between the three movements across all 12 minutes.

standard: 16/12 kg
rx: 32/24 kg
sport: 32/24 kg, 15 swings instead of 10
metcon: 6×1:40 on, 0:20 off

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