September 10, 2024

EMOM for 10 minutes:
20-30 seconds of handstand skill practice

Pick a skill or two from the list below and work on it for 20-30 seconds each minute. The skills are listed easiest first.

Plank hold
Partial range of motion wall walk
Full range of motion wall walk
Handstand kick up against wall
Freestanding handstand
Handstand walk

Workout of the Day
For time:
500 meter run
15 push jerks
30 front rack lunges
15 push jerks
500 meter run

15 minute time cap

Make sure you’re comfortable with your weight selection on both the push jerk and the front rack lunge today; both movements can get extremely challenging very quickly if you aren’t aware of your limits. You should be able to sustain smooth sets of 5 with excellent technique on both barbell movements throughout the whole workout. Run the first 500 at a steady pace, and push it on the second one.

standard: 85/55
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95
metcon: 4×2:30 on, 0:30 off

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