Strict press
5 at 65% of your max
5 at 70% of your max
5 or more at 75% of your max
This is our second round through on the progression of Deadlift, Strict Press, and Back Squat. Base your percentages on a recent one rep max, or an estimated one from the previous round. Go for a safe max rep set on the last set, and then use that weight and rep count to estimate a new max for the following week (experienced lifters might want to wait a few weeks before updating their maxes). There are Training Load Charts posted around the gym to help you do this; chat with a coach if you need guidance, and track your weights!
Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
1 minute of power cleans
1 minute of calories
1 minute of rest
Push for a heavy enough power clean weight that you have to rest for a few seconds between every rep. Go fast on your machines, but not at the expense of a solid effort on the barbell.
standard: 115/85
rx: 155/105
sport: 185/135
metcon: 5×2:00 on, 1:00 off